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    anyone know whats the best dog food for a boxer?



    Bobby King

    I use American journey for all six of my dogs

    Georgia Hartley

    Wow people. Make your own dogfood its cheaper and healthier. most name brand dogfood contains grains and soy which damage a dogs health. Dogs do not graze so grains should never be part of their diet. And Soy is a hormone destroyer. it will cause your dog to gain weight and damages their kidneys. it can also cause thyroid problems. I feed my boy cooked ground pork or ground beef and supplement with a canine vitamin supplement. He prefers that and is super healthy. BTW I am a nutritionist and I have focused as much on canine nutrition as human nutrition. Most vets don’t know anything about nutrition. They get the same out of date 1 nutrition class that has been around since the 70’s. there is so much new science. Keto Dog ranch is one of the most amazing current nutrition projects specifically focused on canine health. Look them up. good stuff.

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